It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school these past couple of weeks and the children have settled in well. I’m pleased to be teaching your children again and welcome new faces to the class. I hope you have had a good summer and enjoyed spending time with your children. As you all know, Year 6 is a busy year for the children and information about booster sessions and SATS will be sent out later. Below is some important information for you and your children.
PE sessions for the children will be on a Monday and swimming on a Friday. Please can children come to school in their PE kit on their PE day.
Children will soon be sent home with a reading book and diary. It is important that the children read as often as possible as this will help with preparation for SATS. Ideally Year 6 children should be reading every night for about 20 minutes. Whilst it is sometimes difficult to find time to listen to your child read this is an activity they can complete independently. If your child reads independently please sign in the comments section. Reading diaries will be checked daily and those children that are consistently reading at home will have the chance to win a prize in the weekly draw.
Homework will be sent home on Friday afternoons and will be due back in on Tuesday.
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