Schools have a duty to teach British Values including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of other faiths and beliefs. Teachers are required in the conduct section of their Standards, to uphold public trust in the profession by not undermining fundamental British Values. Weston Point Primary Academy expects all staff to model and teach these values. Our Equality Policy makes clear our intention to provide the best education we can for all of our learners regardless of race, faith, gender, age and sexual orientation.
Here at Weston Point Primary Academy our ethos is underpinned by our shared values of:
Community and Collaboration
Our Community is key to our success.
Learners, parents and staff have many opportunities for their voices to be heard at Weston Point Primary Academy. Some examples of democratic practice are:
School Council
House Captains
The election of The School Council and our other pupil representatives mirrors the British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action. It gives our learners a voice on matters relevant to school life. Proposals made by its members can and do, have a real impact on our school community. These learners develop an understanding of democratic principles and gain experience of gathering information, sharing views and making decisions. The children are elected to the council through the vote of their peers.
Community Voice is actively sought
Reflection from learners, staff, parents and governors are frequently sought when seeking opinion and/or evaluating school initiatives. These points of view all help to re-examine and build on the existing opportunities offered by the school.
School House systems.
The School House system provides House leadership and organisational opportunities for the children. All children from Reception –Y6 are assigned to a House team. Our School House names were voted for by the children and children designed their corresponding shields.
The importance of rules, laws and standards, whether they are those that govern our country or school are frequently referred to across the school and reinforced in assemblies, personal tutor time and when necessary, to reflect on appropriate choices.
Some examples of the rule of law in practice are:
Across all subjects we model and teach the necessity for rules and guidelines.
At the end of each half term the Head Teacher delivers an assembly which allows learners to reflect on expected standards and school values. Every class member must be able to learn and contribute in a safe environment.
The curriculum allows for exploration of laws and rulership throughout the ages.
Children follow Behaviour Protocols as explained in our Behaviour Policy. Children are explicitly taught behaviour for moving around the school, for in the classroom and for during lunchtime and play.
The school’s Behaviour Pathways are followed by all staff and learners with weekly Hall of Fame celebration assembly to recognise good behaviour and attitude. Children who have been recognised for hard work and positive progress will receive praise and will each take home an acknowledgement to their family so that they can share their success.
All children follow the school Code of Conduct. Children are chosen daily to wear a lanyard celebrating their adherence to the Code of Conduct. This requires children to:
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Kind
Be Honest
PSHCE and Whole School Assemblies
PSHCE and Whole School Assemblies are utilised for learners to develop an understanding of Community, Values and Law
Internet and Social Media
All learners and staff have been taught the risks attached to using the internet and how they can keep themselves and others safe.
Tailored curriculum and provision that aims to meet their needs and aspirations
Through our revised curriculum and After School Clubs, children are offered a wide range of activities which support them to identify and develop their passions, abilities and talents.
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