Reception 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Reception

Class teacher – Miss Fisher

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Goodier

Welcome to our Reception class page.  We are delighted to embark on this exciting journey together at the very beginning of your child’s time in Weston Point Primary Academy.  Reception is a crucial year in your child’s education journey, laying the foundation for their future learning and development. During this year, children not only begin their academic journey, but also develop essential social skills, independence and a love of learning.  Our nurturing environment ensures that each child feels safe, valued and encouraged to grow at their own pace.  We look forward to working in partnership with you to make this a joyful and enriching experience for your child.

  • The class door is opened at 8.35 am and the register is then taken at 9am.

  • The end of the school day is at 3:15pm

  • All children are entitled to free milk until the end of the Reception year

  • All children are also entitled to free school meals until they reach the end of Year 2.

If you require any further information we are always available on the class door or you can book a longer meeting if needed via the school office.


We follow the Read Write Inc Phonics Reading Scheme.  Children take home a fully decodable reading book once a week once they can orally blend.

PE Kits

Our PE sessions are on a Monday and we ask that children come to school in their PE kits. Forest School is on a Friday and we ask that children come into school in clothes that they can get muddy in.

Click below for our Curriculum overview for Autumn.

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