The children have settled in well and are showing a great attitude to their learning already.
I would like to take this opportunity to send some reminders and expectations for the new academic year.
PE – PE will on Tuesdays. Please ensure that children come into school in their PE kit.
Homework – homework will be set on a Friday and I ask that it is returned the following Wednesday. Homework will consolidate an element of learning from the week with a focus specifically on English or Maths. Children can also access TT Rockstars (logins are on the inside cover of their homework books) in preparation for their Year 4 government multiplication check.
Reading at home – I am requesting that children read at home a minimum of three times a week please. Regular reading is paramount to whole curriculum progress. This, where possible, should be with an adult or older sibling and recorded in their reading journal so we can track and reward those that read regularly.
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